FAQ and User Guide
how it works
Software User Guide
Our goal is to make every customer more successful by giving them the exact information they need, right when they need it.
Click on “Account Login” profile/avater icon on top right hand corner and login using Google/Facebook login. Alternatively, you can click on “sign up” link under “I don’t have Google/Fb” tab.
We recommend to use Google/Facebook authentication for your own benefit. This will give you secured seamless experience when you’re using your smart phone to access Medicare Lanka centralised software solution. For more instructions, please check our step-by-step User registration video below.
Click on “My Portal” button to login to Medicare Lanka portal. You can use your google or Facebook account to login to our system. This is a secure option, and our system will be using Google/Facebook only for the authorization. For more details relating to login using 3rd party applications, please refer to documents related to 3rd party Good/facebook authentication or refer to our User Registration video below.
If you don’t have either Google or Facebook account, Click on ‘I don’t have Google/FB tab on the right hand side and register directly with our application. This process shall require you to create your own username and password.
You will be able to login to the system instantly. If you’re login using email and password option, you shall verify your email by login to your email account.
Yes, your details are secure and you can revoke your access at any point in time.
If you don’t have a login with us, email any query to support@medicarelanka.com.
If you’re a registered user, login to your account login, then click on ‘Support’ tab and select your role under ‘request access as a:’. Upon clicking on your role, you will be navigated to a web form. Please fill the support request and submit. Our support staff will reach you to resolve your problem.
Please note that depending on your authorisation level and role, your landing page could be different to others.
In order to change your access, please submit a support request by clicking on your role and fill the relevant form. Your Administrator shall action on your request.
Click on the down arrow on top right hand corner and click on Edit profile. Then, enter your password and cancel my account button to confirm cancellation.
Once you login into the portal, click on the lab name. Click on ‘Edit’ menu option. This page will provide you details and pending user permission requests.
Alternatively, navigate to support tab and check “My Support Requests”. If you see any request relating to access, first check details and if the details are correct and go add the user to the user list.
- You can search the user by coping the ID and searching for additional details.
- If you get matching information, select the role that you would like to grant and click ‘Add Role’ button to save the changes.
For more guidance, please watch our Lab Owner Guide video below.
Direct them to medicarelanka.com and ask them to register with Medicare lanka portal and fill the relevant form.
Upon login into the system, navigate to Support tab and click on Pathology center owner and fill the form with required details.
It may take up to 48 hours to grant you access to the system
Navigate to ‘Support’ page and scroll down to the bottom. You can see all your requests including status.
In order to create a new report, you would need to have access as an Admin, Doctor or Operator to create test. You can either click on the lab/center name and click on new request. Alternatively, you can see a quick link underneath each lab/center name on your landing page.
- Enter patients First Name/Last Name/Phone/Email and click on Find. You can enter multiple fields and click on find button to narrow down search result. If the search brings you matching records proceed with that. Alternatively, hit clear button to enter details of a new patient and proceed to referred by section.
- Then select the test(s) by simply clicking on the check boxes and click on ‘Create’ button.
- If you’re am Admin (lab owner) or Operator, you will see all pending reports in “Pending reports”
- Click on the report and enter results and ‘Save’
- Upon entering results, you will notice that the test color changes to green.
- Once all test results are recorded, you may click on ‘Dispatch’. This action will remove the report form pending list.
Click on pending requests and you will see all the pending tests in a list with vest status. Click on the abbreviated name to enter test results, change test status and view details of the patient, Doctor etc.
- As a Doctor/patient, upon login to the portal, navigate to My Tests tab to see your reports
- As a lab owner/operator, navigate to pending requests and click on “Include all”
Click on the report and select Download PDF button.
Click on the report and you will be able to see detailed information related to the patient’s test without printing it.
Click on ‘test Summary’ and enter date range to see reports related to you.