Medicare Lanka

Our Lab Solution Features

about our software

Our Lab Solution Features

Connect Patient Records – Lab – Doctor seamlessly for better healthcare in Sri Lanka

Access patient's record from anywhere

Worried about loosing medical report - not in our centralised software solution. This is not an ordinary solution. Our tailored data storage is capable of holding patients records for future reference and you will be able to access records from anywhere.

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Connecting Patient - Records - Lab - Doctor

Much much better process

Are you tired of data entering? Are you tired of endless manual tasks? Our centralised software solution will put you back on the real task and system will do the work for you.

Works with your smart phone

Do not invest any further on your infrastructure. We will work around your capability using cutting-edge technology. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.Do not invest any further on your infrastructure. We will work around your capability using cutting-edge technology. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.

Easy to Maintain

Our centralised software solution designed to work with minimal supervision and you will be able to train your employees in minutes.


Our centralised software solution is easily customisable for your requirements. Adding a new report, lab or a test, it takes no more than 2 minutes and no additional cost.

Multiple support lines

We know that everyone likes to be looked after in different ways. Comprised of people with real industry experience to support you.

360 Degree view

We work tirelessly to connect missing pieces in the healthcare community. Our centralised software solution connects patient, medical practitioner and labs seamlessly.

Increase Efficiency

Medicare lanka places people before process. Your employees will love working with our centralised software solution.


You will be able to get all the information you require through our centralised software solution and it will keep historical information (if required).

Lab Reports

No need to waste your time on entering data on excel sheets or documents - our reports are designed to work on the fly.

Patient Record

Worried about loosing report - not in our centralised software solution. This is not an ordinary solution. This system capable of holding patients records for future reference.

Data and Software Security

Water tight security. We have built this system with security in mind. Whether you're a Doctor, Pathologist or patient, your information is secure and you have full control over your data.

100% satisfaction guarantee

Not happy- we will return your deposit within 24hrs. You will be paying us month to month or you can buy credit. We offer 60 days free trial to use our centralised software solution with no commitment.

QR Code to increase data accuracy

Scan the code using your smart phone and we will guarantee your data accuracy with much better process to complete tests.

Connect Doctor-Lab-Patient

We work tirelessly to connect missing pieces in the healthcare community. Our centralised software solution connects patients, medical practitioners, and labs seamlessly.

Law Infrastructure

We won't get you to invest in new infrastructure. We will work with you to ensure your lab is fully managed by cutting-edge technology. For example, our centralised software solution is designed to work with your mobile.

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